Friday, January 2, 2009

Photography & Peaches

So we're at day #2 and I still at 100% for picture taking. Poor Addie, I had her in different poses for 20 minutes or more and she wanted to go play. Maybe by December 31, 2009 I'll learn how to take a decent picture. I'm surprised to learn how many people are doing the "365" thing, in one form or another. I'll look forward to seeing their pictures, too. My friend Danna posted a great one today of the sun shining through the icecicles on her house.

I was reading an article in the Ensign today about pruing peach trees. It was really a good article, and the point was that it's hard to prune off fruit trees because it seems like you would get less fruit, but in the end you get better fruit, just as we need to prune things out of our lives that aren't important so we can focus more on the things that are important. I didn't express that right, but read the article because it was a good reminder that we have too much fluff in our lives that divert our attention from where it should be.

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