Sunday, January 25, 2009


Binge - Uncontrollable self indulgence; a spree.
January 25, 2009

Sadly, this is not staged. Just another Sunday afternoon of Mythbusters and Forensic Files. We got more snow today and last night. It's very wet and not accumulating quite so fast as the last storm, although it's been storming all day. We had a lot of rain preceeding the snow, so most of the old snow is gone, thankfully. Family Home Evening is tomorrow, I had better put something together. I don't think it's appropriate to have Wii night 3 weeks in a row! We are having "Brinner" (from an episode of Scrubs) so I need to go buy the "good bacon" tomorrow. We had Brinner once with the "good bacon" and now we can't go back to anything else. Packaged bacon is ok for being mixed in with stuff, but for eating alone - it has to be the good bacon directly from a butcher. There is just nothing quite like it in the world!


Syme Family said...

Brinner - We love brinner! I don't think I have ever had "good bacon" before. Are you scrubs watchers too?

larifunk said...

I LOVE scrubs! I have been a hube fan since the beginning, I have the soundtrack (plays on my blog!) and watch it 2 or more times a day, thanks to reruns! Next time you are out here for a visit (or to live, hint hint!!) we'll have you over for brinner and introduce you to good bacon. You'll never buy the packaged stuff at the grocery store again!