Thursday, October 1, 2009


Bountiful - marked by abundance; plentiful.
October 1, 2009

I know, Lane's power saw is clearly ruining what would otherwise be a lovely picture of our messy garage. I originally thought this was 5 boxes of apples, but Lane has since informed me that they actually picked 8 boxes of apples today, plus 2 five gallon buckets. And yet the trees still look pretty much the same. Does anyone need apples? They are really delicious apples, just the right amount of sweet and really crispy. They make the best applesauce, too. So I will be deep in apples all weekend if anyone wants to come over and help . . . I mean visit.

I had given up on the peppers in our garden. They hadn't blossomed or anything. After picking the apples, Taylor brought in these peppers. They must have grown pretty much overnight, since last time I looked there was nothing going on with my pepper plants. They are perfect peppers: huge, thick-walled, and wonderful smelling. I wish a photograph could capture an aroma. I cooked some up with the hamburger for dinner (goulosh) and the smell is still hanging around, but in a good way.

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