Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Braces - an appliance that corrects dental irregularities.
October 21, 2009

The BIG DAY finally arrived, and Jack got his braces. Lane took him over to get the deed done, and Lane says Jack was pretty nervous until he found out that it wasn't so bad after all. He even got a new Tshirt from the orthodontist, and apparently a Tshirt is all it takes to make everything right in the world again. He is trying to act all ashamed of having braces, but any idiot can tell that he really thinks he's all that.

A few years ago I attended a cooking class at Maceys and they demonstrated a Halloween dinner. I prepared said dinner that Halloween, and then again the next year. Then I missed a year because I didn't think anyone cared, and it was as if the world had come to an end. So I had to start up the Halloween dinner again. Tonight was the night for the Halloween dinner, which is still pretty fun, but not the most tasty dinner in the world, so once a year is enough. The meatballs are "Goblin Eyeballs" and the sauce is "Witch's Sauce." The rice is (ewww!) magots. We have to get a little creative with the vegetables, so this time Taylor chose the corn, and called it "Monster Teeth," I think. She wanted mini carrots for "Witch Fingers," but I don't buy mini-carrots, and she refused to use regular carrots. I usually make up some sort of punch, too, but just went with apple cider this year. I went to the grocery store after work intending to get glazed doughnuts and cider for a treat, but got distracted with Halloween decorated cupcakes instead, but still got the cider. By the way, cupcakes and cider don't mix well. Anyway, everyone enjoyed their Halloween dinner and I'm off the hook for another year. We ended the evening with watching the old Don Knotts/Tim Conway comedy "Private Eyes," which is a classic.

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