THE BAD - So sure enough, my microwave is not working. Not all the time, anyway. I couldn't heat water for hot chocolate last night or this morning, but it melted butter just fine when I was cooking dinner, but did not cook my pan of vegetables. I guess that means it's on it's last legs. It was a wedding gift, so I guess it's time. Luckily microwaves don't cost much. I told the kids it was going out, and their response was, "What??? No more popcorn??" So you can see what's important to them.
I got a letter from our medical insurance today saying that I needed to call them and explain the third party responsibility for a claim for Addie on May 19. The only thing that happened on May 19 was her heart surgery, so I can't see where there would be any 3rd party responsibility. So I called them and they said they took care of it, but told me that they had recieved a diagnosis code consistent with things like a car accident or work related injury where someone else is or can be at fault. I have no idea where that came from, but the guy on the phone said he would fix it. I guess it's just a clerical error or something. I'm SO GLAD I worked at Dr. Clark's office for that 9 months or so - I learned a lot about insurance that has come in so handy with having a sick child.
THE GOOD - Today I finished up my mom's gift and Grandma Wilson's gift. That's been mostly done for a while, just the finishing touches needed done, so it's good to have that done and out of the way.
THE UGLY - I left my cell phone home today by accident and it's set to alarm when I need to go pick up Addie from school. Needless to say, I forgot to pick up Addie from school. I felt so bad, I was screaming at drivers as I drove up to get her, thinking I was the worst mother in the world (I was 25 minutes late!) I went into the school to get her, and found her in the office waiting, with 7 OTHER KIDS!! That made me feel better - I wasn't the only forgetful parent!
13 hours ago
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