Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Preliminary - Introductory or preceeding.
March 10, 2009

What a difference a day makes . . . When I went out to get the mail, I saw this tiny little crocus shooting up. The crocuses have always brought me some degree of hope for spring after a long winter, and this is the first one I have seen. The sun is shining today, the (1) crocus is trying to grow . . . maybe we'll get spring after all!

I got the bills paid today and my checkbook balanced; that's truly a chore I hate. I put it off until my pile of debit receipts will no longer fit into the cubby where I keep them. I didn't get my state taxes submitted yet, though. I only owe about $60, but I just don't want to pay it any sooner than I have to. I need to get it done or April 15 will come and go and I will forget to do it. I got in a short nap this afternoon, only about 20 minutes, but it was just what I needed. Now I think I need a bowl of samoa ice cream before bed.

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