Oh, it was one of those days today. Too much to do! I was at work until 2:00, and then I came home, loaded up 3 kids and off we headed to University Mall to do some shopping. Michelle had told me about a sale at Aeropostale, so that was our intended destination. That store was PACKED! I am getting very anxious in crowds in my old age, so that wasn't a good sign. I found out that they didn't have anything in there small enough for Jack, but Taylor got herself some new cookie pants and a shirt. So off we went to The Children's Store. Apparently Jack is too big for that store because no pants were long enough. Ok. So, off to Macys. Nope. Their kids department also didn't have pants long enough. Hmmm. The Gap? Yeah, they had pants long enough. For $55!! I don't think so! What to do? I had always shopped for the kids at Mervyns, but since they went out of business it left me in a pickle. There are no stores for Tween boys, only Tween girls. So I threw up my hands in despair and we headed back to Kohls in American Fork. That's where I had done Taylor's shopping last month, so I knew they would have what I needed. Stupid me, I should have started there. So I found everything I needed at Kohls, for a reasonable price even. Then we went over to Target for Addie's stuff. She only needed shoes and a few other things, and since she isn't hard on her clothes I figured that Target quality would be good enough. Plus, the shoes she wanted only came in black at Kohls, and that just wasn't acceptable to my little princess.
So we now have all 3 kids, fully outfitted for school, and me, of course, financially ruined. Since this little escapade took us until 6:30, I picked up dinner at Panda Express.
Fad - A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze.August 7, 2009
Everyone just HAD to have Converse All-Stars for school. Really? Converse? Well, I guess I'm really out of the loop. I did have to giggle a little bit when we were in Macys and the mannequin was wearing leggings with a big shirt. I pointed it out to Taylor and said "See that? That's called 1985!"
After dinner, Lane & I went out to do the evening garden watering, and I picked this many blackberries in just a few minutes. These are just the ones I could easily reach! So tomorrow I'll put on my best armor and go out and try to get what more I can. Blackberry syrup anyone?
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