Friday, August 14, 2009


Cloudburst - a sudden, heavy rainstorm; a downpour.
August 14, 2009
I was raised to love rain storms. Particularly the late summer type that blossom up in the late afternoons and evenings. The house I was raised in, and the house I currently live in, was perfectly designed for these summer storms. Back when I was a kid, before the trees across the street got to be so big, we could sit on our long front porch and watch the ligtening in a huge panorama from north to south, and watching the lightening over Utah Lake was the best. I can't see Utah Lake quite so well from the front porch anymore (stupid trees), but I still have the panorama. In the back yard we have the mountains and when the lightening storms are on that side, well, that's a treat too. Tonight the storm rolled in while I was at the grocery store, and yet the thunder (which everyone knows is really the best part of the storm) was so loud we could hear it clear back by the meat. Luckily when we got home and got the groceries put away, the storm was still going and so I took my little plastic patio chair out to the front porch and enjoyed the rest of the storm as it moved on to the south. I've got my kids well enough trained that when they hear thunder they come running for me: "Mom! Mom! Thunder!" If we are all together when the thunder begins, everyone immediately gets quiet, and when it stops rolling, someone aways says "Ooooh," all long and drawn out. Lane doesn't quite get it. But he wasn't raised in a house perfectly designed for summer storms. Poor boy. But he's learning.


Dan and LaVon said...

I totally get it!!!

Kristen said...

Hey you don't have to be raised in a house like that to still love thunderstorms! Tell Lane to get with the program!