Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hoop - A rigit circular band of metal or wood.
November 18, 2009

Some idiot back in college taught me to cross-stitch. It's pretty much been a passion ever since. In my pre-child years, I had projects all over the apartment so that wherever I might sit down, there was something there to work on. In my post-child years, I pretty much had one project at a time, but sometimes I had to either put the project in the drawer, or, in my utter frustration, create an embroidery hoop shaped divet in the wall. Then I would start a new, less crazy-making project while the other one would sit in the drawer for weeks . . . or months . . . or in a few instances, years. This multi-project business led to a need for many embroidery hoops. I picked up a few here and there, and then discovered that yard sales were an excellent place to purchase such things, so I got a few more. Then my oh-so-helpful Mother hit the embroidery hoop motherlode at a yard sale and bought me more than I could ever use. However, I was grateful because they are in a variety of sizes and sometimes they break or get lost. But as time has gone on and the beginnings of arthritis have begun to set in, I no longer use embroidery hoops. I just wad up the project in my left hand and stitch away with my right. This works better for me now, but I still have a plethera of embroidery hoops. And yet sometimes, that same oh-so-helpful Mother calls me from a yard sale to tell me she has stumbled upon another motherlode of embroidery hoops, and would I like her to pick them up? No, Mom. I'm good. But it's nice to know she is still thinking of me. Especially since most of the projects end up hanging in her house. So if anyone needs an embroidery hoop, I know where you can get one. Or five.

1 comment:

JENNE said...

I would like one of those projects in my home.