Friday, July 17, 2009


My apple trees are FULL! I knew good things would come from all those gorgeous apple blossoms this spring. Now if we can just keep them from getting wormy . . . See how low the branches are to the ground right now? They might be touching the ground in September!

In the background Lane is watering our newly-planted raspberries. He is tending to them very carefully. They have a few tiny raspberries on them, and one died. Mmmm . . . anticipating some raspberry jam next summer.

Bring on the applesauce! I LOVE to can applesauce. It makes the whole house smell so deliciously autumn-y. AND the great thing about apples is they will last until I get around to canning them, not like tempermental peaches that need to be put up almost immediately.

Loaded - Filled with a great quantity
July 17, 2009

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