Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tonight as I was getting ready to go up to Pack Meeting, I heard a helicopter outside that sounded terribly low. So I peeked out the window and Life Flight was landing at the intersection right by my house. I ran outside to see what was up, and it turns out a little boy in our ward had been hit by a car. I had been downstairs so I hadn't heard the ambulance come. They loaded him in the helicopter and off they went. I have heard since that he is doing quite well for having taken the impact that he did, and we are all praying that things continue to go well. His parents are with him and other ward members have stepped in to take care of the other children. It is comforting to see everyone join together for a common cause. Lane is Cub Master, and after conferring with other members of the committee, it was decided to postpone Pack Meeting for a week. A fun evening of water games had been planned, but everyone was feeling pretty somber and more concerned with this little boy than having Pack Meeting. So they had a short discussion of bike safety and then a prayer and called it good for a week.

Countdown - The counting backward from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before and event or operation.
July 21, 2009
Today is the magical 60 day mark before our cruise. It is at this point that I will start doing little things, here and there, to get ready. I have started, but not completed, my "Fun Pass" online. Around August 1 I will start my little pile in my bedroom of things that I don't want to forget, such as sunscreen, water wallet, Lane's Hawaiian shirts, stuff that I won't be using until the cruise. It warms my heart to see that little pile start to grow as the time grows shorter. I have my shore excursion for our first stop all lined up. We will be going to the Mayan ruins at Uxmal, but I don't have anything set for Cozumel. We have already been to Tulum, plus two trips to ruins on the same cruise might be a little much. We did the stingray thing in the Cayman Islands. Suggestions, anyone?
I thought I had put up my recipe for Pico de Gallo, but it turns out I didn't so here it is for anyone who is interested:
3 large tomatoes, diced
1 medium onion, diced
Cilantro - to taste, I don't measure it. Use fresh if you have it, put dried will do in a pinch
The juice of half a lemon (or a lime, which I prefer)
1/2 t minced garlic (I usually use 2 cloves because I love garlic)
1 t salt (I use coarse ground sea salt)
2 peppers - I use whatever I have on hand, sometimes just a bell pepper or canned chilis if that's all I have.
Mix it together and and serve

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