So here's the long version of a long story. Yesterday Lane cleaned the carpets, and then it rained. So the carpets took way longer to dry with all that humidity and when we got up this morning the whole house smelled (to me) like wet dog. I put out some bowls of vinegar, but when we came home from church it still smelled like wet dog. We lit some candles and put them around the house, and that helped some. While Lane was barbequing some pork chops, I was making rice pilaf and I decided that if I seared the rice with butter AND garlic it would replace the gross wet dog smell with yummy roasted garlic smell. But as a back -up plan, I decided to make some bread and we could have that for a snack later in the evening. Well, I got the bread going and then I remembered that I'm in charge of dessert for the family dinner tomorrow, so I made some cupcakes. But I still had extra time while the bread was rising, so I made cookies, too. So now I had so much food I decided to invite a few neighbors over. Well, now that I had company coming I thought it might be nice to have a little salad to go with it so I made up a pasta salad. So the neighbors came and visited and we ate almost both loaves of bread, almost all the cookies, and 1 dozen cupcakes. It was funny how one thing led to another, and if I'd had another hour before the neighbors came, I probably would have made something more. We had a good visit and enjoyed the evening rain. Oh, but back to the point of the story. You will be happy to know that there is no more wet dog smell in the house, but there is an overflowing sink of dirty dishes.
2 hours ago
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