Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Pollinate - To fertilize by the transfer of pollen
May 5, 2009
As you can see by the other pictures, I am quite enamored with my apple trees. I guess this is the payoff for all the rain I've had to endure. While I was taking the other apple tree pictures, I noticed that both apple trees were litterally buzzing. There were bees everywhere! But do you think I could get a picture of one? I was nearly blinding myself, looking up into the tree at noon, and it was far too bright outside to see what was on the little view thingy on my camera, so after a while I just started randomly pointing-and-shooting, and hoping that maybe, just maybe, by accident I could get a bee in a picture. Stupid bees won't stay still and pose! Anyway, I accidentally got 2 pictures with bees in, but the other one the bee is almost off the edge of the picture, and this one (somehow) the bee ended up pretty much centered. I'm so hoping that all those blossoms portend a bounteous apple harvest, because I LOVE making applesauce in the fall, and my measly amount of applesauce from last fall is pretty much gone, even after rationing it.

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