Monday, May 10, 2010

Root Beer? Really?

So I had to go out and buy the cupcake recipe book from the cupcake class I recently attended. It has such crazy cupcakes in it; I can't wait to try them. For my first attempts, I went with Root Beer Float and Key Lime. The Root Beer float wasn't as popular as the Key Lime. I never tried it out myself - kinda freaked out by it, I'll be honest. The cake is nothing but a cake mix and root beer. Yeah, I know, crazy. I foolishly got Shasta root beer cuz I figured I didn't need "good" root beer since it was being mixed in. I think it would have been better if I had gotten good root beer, and I will try it again with A&W. There is root beer extract in the frosting.

The Key Lime is SO GOOD!! There is key lime juice in the batter and the filling, and then the frosting (whipped cream) is sprinkled with fresh lime zest. I could just sit and sniff it all day, it smells so yummy and fresh. The lady who wrote the recipe book says this is the most popular of all her cupcakes, and I can see/taste why.

Now that I am a Woman of a Certain Age, I had to go for my first mamogram today. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, and was over in less than 10 minutes. Sure, I can think of lots of better ways to spend 10 minutes, but I can also think of a lot of worse ways to spend 10 minutes. It really isn't fair that men don't have to go through any of the miserable and humiliating things we women have to go through. I like to think that somehow in the eternities they will get their due.
I think my computer is really just about dead. Is 25 minutes a long time to launch internet explorer? I think it is. Sometimes it seems to just get stuck, but not hung, and my only option is to turn the whole thing off, I can't exit properly. Then the re-boot takes so long that the whole process is just frustrating, and I start to say bad words and throw things again. So I'm in the process of making sure the laptop has all the right programs and data, and I'll just shut down the old desktop and cover it lovingly with a sheet and attach a toe tag. Naturally, when I put my printer driver CD in to install it on the laptop, it came up with a message saying that the printer won't work with Vista. (Insert bad words and throwing things here). Luckily, and yet surprisingly, I had the good sense to go to the HP website and found that I could still get the drivers, and the printer is working just fine. It's a miracle!
Sunday I got released from the primary presidency and called again to Cub Scouts. I haven't been told yet which den, but it doesn't really matter. Between my experience serving in Cubs and my experience as a Cub Mom, I am familiar with all 3 dens and am just happy to serve. Cub Scouts is really a fun calling, despite what other people say. It's good to be back.


Kristen said...

Does your printer work through networking from your laptop? Or do you have to plug it in? If it's networking, will you please come do mine? I've tried and tried. But now you've got me thinking, I would love to have my Quicken and everything else on my laptop. Maybe I will have to think about it....

Syme Family said...

The key lime cupcakes were FANTASTIC!