Addie was the first one to get the flu, that's why I took her to the doctor. The Dr. didn't give a name to her flu. Whether it's seasonal or H1N1, I don't know. Does it matter? Flu is flu and it's miserable. I kept her home from school through the week. She perked right up although she still has some cough, but it's not nearly so chest-y and chunky sounding.
So on Friday, it becomes my turn. The shop where I work is always cold, except in the summer when it's too hot. The building was built 100-ish years ago, for crying out loud. It's drafty. Don't even get me started on the beyond-description coldness of the bathroom during the winter months. So on Friday when I started to get a little cold despite all my layers of clothes, I didn't think too much about it. But as the morning wore on, and I got colder, and even putting my coat on didn't help at all, I thought I might be getting sick. The little nagging headache I had waking up had turned into a screaming headache, and the minutes ticked by as hours. When the clock struck 2 I was outta there. I ran screaming out of the building, into my van where I turned on the heat full blast, and home, where I tried to find warmth on the couch under 2 blankets. Nope. Still freezing. My head was so heavy I couldn't even bear to lift it up off the couch. So I laid there and shivered from 2:03 until Lane got up, when I was able to comandeer my bed.
Lane was so good to me though. He went off to Kneaders and got me some delicious (and HOT) soup. And then he left me alone. Which was just what I needed. Not to be bugged. I didn't sleep well because as soon as I got a little bit warm and drifted off to sleep, I woke up sweating and on fire. Then I would have to get up, get a cold washcloth, sponge off, and try to get to sleep again, only to drift off and wake up freezing cold and violently shivering.
So Saturday I laid around all day, never got out of my jammies. Never brushed my teeth. Just tried to stay warm or cool, whatever the moment called for. I had Sharing Time on Sunday, but I was JUST SURE I would be feeling better by Sunday, so I refused to ask for a replacement.
Yeah, bad plan. Luckily, since the Church provides pretty much a full Sharing Time outline now, I had to do very little legwork, and it was a very easy Sharing Time, AND we were short on time in both Jr. and Sr. Primary. I sat while I gave the lesson, and the kids were very understanding and reverent while I tried to get through it. Later that afternoon was Cub Committee Meeting and the Priesthood Preview, but I was feeling some better, so I went.
I never learn. By the time evening rolled around I was feeling just as crappy as I was on Friday. I should have just stayed home and rested. Nope. Not me. Can't ask for help. I'm so stupid.
So now we're on to Monday. I woke up feeling mostly ok. I slept mostly ok. But again as the day has worn on, I have gotten very cold. I took my temp and the fever is still hanging on. I can't breathe and I get winded walking around. I can't stand for very long.
This is just ridiculous. My house is a pig sty. The laundry didn't get done over the weekend. I'm trying to do it now, but it's exhausting to move the wet clothes from the washer to the dryer. I guess we'll just have to live like slobs for a few more days.
But on the good side, Lane went to the grocery store for me on Saturday morning. Please understand, this is a huge deal. Not that he can't do the grocery shopping, but because the control freak in me won't allow him to do the grocery shopping. He doesn't compare prices and do the math to get the best unit pricing. He just gets what we need. So while he was at the store he thought ahead and bought stuff for easy meals for the next few days that even the kids could make if need be. He's the best.