I'm cruising in 227 days.
Do you have any idea how important it is to have something sun shiny and beachy to look forward to when each new day only brings various shades of gray?
January is the very worst month of the year. No question about it. There's the post-holiday blues, which is about the only thing blue during the month, and the endless gray weather. Snow can only stay pretty around here for a short time before it is all uglied-up by car exhaust and other nasty pollutants. Then since birthdays are no fun anymore, I have that to dread all month too.
I shouldn't say dread. I'm not THAT person. I don't dread my birthday. I don't really mind getting older, although I must say 40 was hard to swallow. I just wish that there were a few more viable birthday activities than are available in January.
So back to happier thoughts - did I mention I was cruising in 227 days? We are thankfully going back to Miami this time. I heart South Beach!! I even branched out and booked us on one of the bigger ships. All the times we have gone we've gone on a different ship, but always the same class/size of ship, which certainly has its benefits. On Boarding Day, while everyone else is wandering around with their little maps and confused expressions, we know exactly where everything is since the layout of the ships we have been on is practically idential. It's nice to not have to waste 2 days figuring out where the elevator is.
We are stopping at Grand Turk (Turks & Caicos) and then have 2 different stops at the Bahamas. We've never had 3 stops before, and we've never been to these islands either. New ship, new stops . . . It should be a great cruise.
We have a party of 13 this time. We are taking our kids and some of Lane's family is coming as well.
I even found me a screaming deal on airfare. I don't usually book air this far out, but I do love me a screaming deal and I couldn't pass it up.
The mouse who has invaded our house is still at large. He comes out once in a while to taunt us, then quickly scurries away, nimbly missing all the traps we have carefully placed. I hate mice. And I certainly don't remember inviting him in.