I have nothing to say.
No really. I have nothing planned to post here today. So we'll see where my meandering thoughts take me.
Its just that I finally unwrapped my July issue of the Ensign and was reading through it today and there was an article on keeping journals. Kinda hit home because I'm truly sucky at journal keeping. Well, maybe not as sucky as some; I write in my journal sporadically. I will be really good for a period of time, and then it all falls to pieces until I get the yen (read: guilt trip) to write again.
I was super good at it when I was a kid. I started around 8 years old and wrote nearly every day. And wrote just about the same thing every day. I was still pretty good about it in junior high, except all my entries are dumb things about dumb boys, which makes 44 year old Lari really frustrated and annoyed with 12-15 year old Lari. Things started to wane some in high school, even more so in college, and turned non existent when I got married, except for the aforementioned periods of feast preceding the famine.
My blog would be an excellent journal, if I would just post in it. But I get busy. Or I forget. Or (and seriously, this one is the biggest problem) I can't get my hands on a computer with all the other members of this household. I refuse to attempt to blog on my phone.
So in the spirit of catching up, here goes:
Lane is finally, FINALLY on a day shift. Its been such a long time coming. Its been nice to have him home, mostly awake, and especially nice to have him coming to church with us every week. And speaking of church, we are no longer Webelos leaders, but have been moved to 12-13 year old Sunday School teachers. They boys are our former Webelos and we are really enjoying the class. The kids actually participate rather than staring off into space or writing notes to friends like we did in youth Sunday School.
On an unrelated note, I would like to apologize to all of my youth Sunday School teachers, one of whom is our current Stake President who walked out on us once for behaving so badly. I'm grateful he signs my temple recommend in spite of that.
Why do summers always fly by so fast? It hard to believe that July is nearly done and the kids are back to school around August 20. Jack is finally done with the big FCCLA trip and all his scout camps, but now its time for Marching Band to really get going, so there is no let-up with him. Plus we have to try to fit in the remainder of his driving hours so he can get his license close to his birthday. Bad mom that I am, I refuse to spend any more time than is necessary chauffeuring him to all his stuff. And naturally, as my luck would have it, now that Jack is at the high school, marching band has been moved back to the junior high because of construction at the high school. Seriously, can you believe the timing? So he will need almost daily chauffeuring to the junior high, plus he has early morning jazz band, his music lessons, and hopefully some sort of job that will fit in with all that.
Taylor is anxiously anticipating getting the heck outta here and back up to school. She is living off campus this year and is hoping to find a job in Logan, which means she is likely to come home even less than she did Freshman year, if that's possible. She has changed her major from elementary education to secondary (English and deaf ed). We've enjoyed having her home this summer, but I think she is not a huge fan of living at home again after the freedom of living away.
As for Lane and I, we are both just muddling through this parenting thing, trying not to do anything to really screw our kids up too much. Some damage is done, we know that. Jack is a butter snob. I turned Taylor into a soda addict. And all 3 are under the impression that pancakes is a typical American "Sunday Dinner."
Well, looky there. I found something to say after all.
1 day ago
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