The pipe is still going down the middle of the road, but it is no longer moving water, and they have opened up the portions at the intersections so I don't have to take the scenic route to my parents house anymore. But we do miss seeing that water shooting out. And kudos to PG City - if there was any flooding, I never saw it. And I survived the minor inconveniece.
A few Saturdays ago, we took a family hike along a section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail over in Orem. It was a fun little hike, I don't know how far we went, or even how long we were there. It is apparently quite a popular trail - the parking lot was full, and we saw other hikers, bikers and even joggers while we were out.
I don't know why Jack is smiling like that.
I neglected to take any photos of the Steel Days 5k I participated in with my old and dear friend Jennifer. We entered ourselves in the walkers division (which my kids thought was quite amazing, that there was a division just for Walkers, with a capital W, and how did Jennifer qualify for it?) figuring we could walk pretty fast. Especially for the Over 40 crowd.
Well, I guess we don't walk so fast, or maybe the walkers didn't confine themselves to walking only . . . I don't know how it all worked out, but we didn't finish quite as quickly as I had hoped. We came in just over 50 minutes, and the ladies at the scoring table just wrote down our numbers, and didn't scan the bar codes on our bibs. We thought that was weird, but figured that maybe we were so slow there was just no longer a point in scanning. We had our fresh fruit and water and left.
Later Jennifer found the standings on the AF website, and it listed names and times for everyone, except us. Even people who came in after us had times listed. I know we didn't win, but it would still be nice to have some evidence that we participated.
Jennifer says we didn't get counted because I ate two bananas.
I think we didn't get counted because I made a few snarky comments.
In any event, we were really there. And if I should do it again next year, I'm willing to bet that I will still eat two bananas and still make snarky comments. It's just who I am. :)
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